So i managed to get just these two from the RiRi Mac fall collection because all the other items sold out in 3 mins, i said 3 mins because i was logged on and put the items in my basket and when i got to checkout, it told me sold out, i was so upset i missed out on talk dat talk lippie but thankfully i got this two to cheer me up even though Hibiscus kiss is a relaunch
The packaging is chic and beautiful in rose gold casing and i really like it, it makes it more limited edition and unique unlike the normal black Mac package we are used to. From left to right is the Hibiscus kiss powder blush duo and Who's dat Chic lipstick which so happens to be my favourite out of all the lipsticks.

This lipstick is a golden frost with orange tone and i really like it, it glides on easily and is very smooth, i think am going to enjoy using this lippie cos i like frost lip too, it would suit warm skin women.
Hibiscus kiss is a combination of both bronzer and blush and i really like it too, it gives a matte look and applies very smooth, you can mix both colours together to get a tan look with pretty coral cheek. I like the fact that the blush is alot more unlike the summer collection had a tiny blush side inside the compact but this new one is almost the same size as the bronzer, i tend to use bronzer more than blush so both will last me a long time, two shades for the price of one is a beautiful bargain so this duo is fab. Overall this collection is okay even thougt i missed out on what i really wanted, the good girl gone bad blush, talk dat talk lipstick and the diamond creme, i already have riri woo, just love it and can't get enough of it. Did you get anything from the collection? what are your thoughts? xoxo bynki
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